The BIG No-No's: Foods to Avoid on a Ketogenic Diet
Keto doesn’t work unless your body is actually in a state of ketosis.

It truly is one of those diets where you need to be disciplined and strict if you want to get the results you are looking for. If you accidentally add too many carbohydrates back into the diet, your body will start to burn those for energy, instead of the ketones and fat you have worked so hard to lay the ground work for. That’s why it is important to avoid the following foods.
Foods to Avoid and Why:
Grains – We all love grains. They have become a staple in the standard American diet (or SAD). The problem with grains is that most of them contain high levels of carbohydrates, which is exactly what you want to avoid in the keto diet. It is best to not be tempted and just keep them out of the kitchen.

This includes:
Fruit – This is a tricky one as we have largely accepted fruits as good for us. Remember, just because they are good for you, does not mean that they are keto-friendly. Fruits contain a lot of natural sugars, and sugar, or glucose, is not what you want your body burning, as they can throw you out of Ketosis. There are also a number of fruits that are surprisingly high in carbohydrates.

This includes:
Goji Berries
If you need to grab some fruit, you can usually get away with some very low-sugar berries in small doses.
Beans and Lentils - Again, almost another staple in most meals around the world. They are cheap, store well for a long time, and are wildly accessible to many people. Beans and lentils are also high in carbs and should be avoided on the Keto diet.

This includes:
Any colored lentil
Kidney beans
Garbanzo beans
Pro-Tip: Chickpeas are usually good in moderation. They are fairly low in carbohydrates and have a lot of fiber. This will slow down the digestion and should avoid causing any sugar spikes and creation of insulin in your body.
Sugar – This one goes without saying. There are very few cases in which using sugar positively coincides with your diet, as it is generally not very good for you. And this is no exception for the keto diet. To stay in ketosis, you are trying to prevent your body from having to burn sugar and glucose. Exercise some self-control and fight the urge to grab any sugary snacks.
Processed Foods – They really try to make it easy for you and package everything up in a flashy package plastered with healthy trigger words and fads. We’re big fans of the pink sugar animal cookies that are labeled “Gluten Free”. Stay away from crackers, chips, cookies, and snacks.
Pro-Tip: When shopping, it is a good idea to avoid the inner isles of the store. Anything that is actual natural food, grown in the ground or from and animal, will be on the outskirts.
Alcohol – We have mentioned the negative effects of alcohol before (“Basic Keto: Where to Start”). Alcohol is just like sugar, and it usually contains a lot of it, and as a result, typically very high in carbs. If you must have a drink, it is best to do so in moderation. Choose your drinks wisely and avoid most mixers. Here is a guide to help you with these restrictions.
The above list is not an attempt at an exhaustive list of foods to avoid. It is however a list of some of the most common foods you are probably used to eating. It is important to not approach keto trying to create specific lists of food items you can and can’t have. A better approach is to understand WHY you should be avoiding them and use this list of common foods to avoid just as a guide.