Working Out with Keto
Like almost any diet, you are often left wondering, “is dieting enough to lose weight, or do I have to pair it with working out?”

The answer with keto is a mix of both. There are a number of resources or claims out there on the internet that claim keto is “a great way to lose weight fast”. Yes, many people have been able to cut weight quickly by just following the dietary restrictions of the keto diet. But, losing weight and building muscle are two completely different things. Let’s take a look at the most efficient ways to work out, while in ketosis, if you want to build muscle and see results.
The Body Needs Time to Adapt to Keto
..the types of physical activity you do will have an impact on how your body burns energy.
To avoid sluggish workouts and lack of gains, it is best to give your body the time it needs to adapt to being in a state of ketosis. As mentioned in our article “Reaching Ketosis”, with a strict fast you can achieve ketosis in about 72 hours. For most though, it may take about 2-3 weeks until your body truly starts to respond and feel normal. It is best to exercise some patience before targeting workouts on keto.
Working Out in Ketosis
You are now in a state of ketosis, and your body is burning fat for energy. This is very important, because the types of physical activity you do will have an impact on how your body burns energy.
Two Types of Aerobic Workouts:
Low intensity – This is when your body is performing at 60%-80% of your target heart rate. These exercises include jogging, swimming, step aerobics, and rowing. These low intensity workouts are likely to pull energy storages from fat as opposed to carbs. Low intensity workouts are great if you are looking to see results from keto.

High intensity – This is when your body is performing at 80%-90% of your target heart rate. These exercises include HIIT (high intensity interval training), running, jump roping, sprints, and plyometrics. During these high intensity workouts, carbs are the main source of energy. Since you are low on carbs, these types of workouts can leave you feeling tired and fatigued.

Ketosis is Like Muscle Memory
Similar to how your body develops muscle memory, it also develops keto-adaptation, and becomes more efficient at burning fat the longer you remain in ketosis. Over time, studies have shown that being in ketosis has enabled endurance athletes, like distance runners, to improve their overall performance. The study attributes this to good fats taking longer to burn for energy, rather than carbs, which tend to burn up much quicker.
Find What Works for You
You need to eliminate the myth of the perfect diet.
Humans are simply too complex for this to be true. Each person who embarks on the keto journey needs to assess their individual needs, motivations, and goals. Following the diet and participating in low intensity workouts will seemingly be the best for the overall population. However, you will see that in a number of cases, hardcore endurance athletes (“There are Actually 3 Ketogenic Diets”) are reaping the same benefits and performing better than ever before. Remember, be patient, test what works, and remain disciplined.